First Psychology Training
02 May 2024

Professional Diploma in Integrative Counselling and Psychological Therapy FAQs

If you’re considering applying for our diploma programme, you likely have a lot of questions. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here are the most common questions we get asked by potential applicants.

1. I haven't written an academic piece in over three years. What should I do?

If it's been more than three years since you last completed a university or academic writing project, we understand. In such cases, we request that you submit either a dissertation or a piece of written material from your academic studies along with a recent submission from a professional setting, suitably redacted if necessary. Our aim is to ensure your ability to research and write at an appropriate academic standard. If you're unable to meet this requirement, we're here to provide further guidance on alternative ways to demonstrate your capabilities.

2. Do I need a specific degree to apply?

Not necessarily. When assessing applications, we take a comprehensive look at an applicant's education and experience. We welcome applications from individuals with relevant academic experience or qualifications that provide a strong foundation for studying in areas related to social science, healthcare, or personal wellbeing.

3. What career opportunities are available after completing a counselling diploma course?

The programme provides the opportunity for graduates to seek employment in a range of settings offering mental health/therapeutic support, such as those in the third sector working with clients experiencing mental health difficulties, organisations/businesses offering occupational health services to their employees, employee assistance programmes or agencies requiring counselling/therapeutic practitioners, national service department in primary and secondary care offering counselling support to patients. It also provides training in working in the independent sector, equipping graduates with experience and skills relevant to self-employment or working as a partner practitioner.

4. Will I have access to support services such as academic advising, career counselling, or mental health support while enrolled in the counselling diploma course?

All students will be provided with academic support related to the programme, including a personal tutor. The programme provides a substantial amount of support provided by teaching staff, all of whom are mental health practitioners. The programme does not offer individual career counselling nor include the provision of mental health support at no cost.

5. How are assessments conducted in the counselling diploma course, and what is the grading structure?

The programme is assessed using a range of assessment tools including client case studies, process reports, essays, reflective reviews, presentations, professional activities such as referrer reporting. The programme is focused on the development of practise based and reflective/theoretical skills which are formulated as core competencies in each of the areas of learning.

6. Can I pursue further education or specialisation after completing the counselling diploma course, such as a master's degree or licensure in counselling?

Yes, the programme provides a strong basis for further study in the area.

7. Does the counselling diploma course offer any opportunities for international study or exchange programmes?

The programme does not currently offer the opportunity for international study or exchange.

Do you still have questions?

Great! We welcome inquisitive minds at First Psychology Training. If you have questions that are not answered here or in the Diploma Prospectus, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.