First Psychology Training
01 Mar 2024

Finding The Right Training Approach For You

A key question for anyone considering training in counselling, psychotherapy, psychological therapy (CBT), or applied psychology, is what is the right programme or course of training for you. 

There are so many different courses to choose from it can be confusing to sift through them all to find which ones are suitable and which ones may not meet your needs. Here are the key things to consider when trying to find the perfect counselling training:

What do you believe?

This might seem like a strange question, but all therapy training programmes are based on specific beliefs around what causes mental distress and the most appropriate type of support to offer someone who is experiencing difficulties.

Some approaches focus on thinking and behaviour in a practical way. For example,  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), focuses on identifying unhelpful or unhealthy ways of thinking and behaving, and the ways in which to change those thoughts (cognitions) or behaviours in order to become helpful or healthy.

Other approaches emphasise childhood experiences and the need for therapeutic interventions that explore the past (psychodynamic approaches). Humanistic approaches highlight the importance of our individual experiences and focus on using our potential to grow and flourish.

Doing a bit of research on the different therapy types and their unique and nuanced philosophies is an important step towards finding a path as a therapist that you can believe in and commit to. The last thing you want to do is undertake a training programme that does not fit with your own belief system or values!

How much time do you have?

Considering the time you are willing and able to commit to any course is important, and studies in the counselling and psychotherapy fields are no exception to this rule. Like any course, training in counselling and psychotherapy is time-consuming both inside and outside the classroom. But, some types of therapy will require more of your time than others.
  So, it is important to consider these following questions:
  1. Can I commit to the requirements of the course?
  2. How much time am I able to give to a course sustainably?
  3. Does this course cover the topics I am interested in with enough depth and detail?

How much can you afford?

Counselling and psychotherapy training is an expensive business. Course prices can vary wildly, and it is important to fully understand what you are signing up for before you proceed.

The more expensive courses tend to be based in universities where costs are high, however there is a lot of variation in the private sector too, with different company’s offering different types of training with different price tags.

It is useful to include all expenses when trying to calculate course price, as while the main tuition might be affordable and sustainable, the travel, personal therapy, and supervision costs might not be.

Are you sure?

Training to become a therapist is a huge commitment both personally and professionally, so it is vital to be clear on what you are getting into and what your motivation is for this life change.

Sometimes people are attracted to working as a therapist because of a positive experience in therapy themselves. This can be a great motivator and a good reason to train, however it is important to remember that your experience as a client will be very different to your experience as a practitioner; there’s a lot more to being a therapist than meets the eye!

To gauge your interest in becoming a therapist and your ability to sustain and commit to this career path, it can be really helpful to complete a counselling skills training course, and to speak to people who work in the field about their experiences.